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West Fargo

Hazer’s Auto & Truck Parts in West Fargo warns customers about scammers creating fake Facebook pages in their name.
The city had a 92% passing rate after the last round of checks.
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The pandemic started with paper hearts and 8 p.m. howls, but devolved into conspiracy theories and anger as we grew more isolated and frustrated. Columnist asks: What have we learned?
Staff scheduled to move to District Support Center by July


Latest Headlines
The nonprofit is trying to build a third sheet of ice in the West Fargo School District
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An electrical fire damaged a dozen classic cars in West Fargo. Owners hope to restore them in time for Moorhead Cruise Night.
If Schooley Mitchell doesn't uncover savings, clients pay nothing.
Civic West held the event so residents can learn more about the West Fargo Park District
March is National Athletic Training Month


“If you like to have fun, you’re welcome!” co-owner Jessica Johnson says of the West Fargo bar and restaurant concept, expected to open in mid- to late March.
Public Works Director Matt Andvik said the expansion will cover the department's needs for the next 15 to 20 years.
WFHS has been designated an AVID National Demonstration School, the first in North Dakota