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West Fargo

WDAY has learned a 95-year-old West Fargo woman was found dead outside her assisted living facility in minus 20-degree weather. West Fargo police are investigating the death.
MetroCOG is studying the effects of the undeveloped area from Sheyenne Street to Interstate 94.
Vincent Williams, an assistant superintendent at West Fargo Public Schools, is one of three candidates seeking the superintendent job in Fargo.
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Students like Ben Wiggins are gaining real-world experience through Magnum Electric's PowerHouse's program that combines classroom learning and on-the-job mentorship.


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The 15-year-old girl ran away from home Monday, Feb. 24.
The state lawmaker and school board member said the resolution is not needed.
Civic West has invited West Fargoans to get to know what the West Fargo Park Board is up to at an upcoming Fire Hall chat.
City planner Aaron Nelson asked the City Commission to give him guidance to draft a new policy that will regulate short-term rentals such as those found on vacation sites.
Right to Read ND is encouraging people to bring a book and read silently outside their local library on Saturday, March 1, in opposition to Senate Bill 2307, which legislates library materials.
The transportation plan focuses on developing a roadway network to service the future growth area in West Fargo.


A small fire broke out inside a dryer early Friday, Feb. 21.
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Mark Berntson, a West Fargo teacher since 1996, has met with more than 400 people in the past year, offering support and connection at coffee dates.
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An amendment was added to also ban communal sinks in schools. Lawmakers said it was introduced to bolster a 2023 law banning public schools from recognizing transgender identities.